Tuesday, April 21, 2009

overwhelming peace

I am just so grateful for the gospel, i cannot help but to be obsessed with this video right now. I would go on and bear my testimony on what i feel right now but if you watch the movie you'll know, cuz that's it. :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snAjZ8mfoYw


Wendy said...

I love you Miss Sadie!! You are just darling. Thank you for sharing that video - it is very inspirational and really lifted my day! Please come over and see us!

Ashlee said...

Sadie! I didn't know you had a blog! this is awesome I also have a blog we should be blog buddies....on our blogs...you know what I mean! oh and I already left a message on facebook but again I love the video it's amazing! I'm pretty sure I'm going to watch it everytime I need a little boost or anything!